Picking berries the summer of 2024. Season 2024

We offer job selection from the beginning of May to the end of October to 80 people. Our peak season is in July and August.






“We need 80 seasonal workers to help with the harvest of berry crops from the beginning of July until the end of December. Our peak season is July and August.

We grow berries on 13 hectares of open fields, in addition to 3 hectares in greenhouses and polytunnels. The harvested fruits are transported directly to our packaging facilities, where workers can track their daily production on their phones.

Quality is our top priority. In the greenhouses, each worker will have their own box for picking the crops, while we use large shared carts in the open fields to facilitate the work.

Payment is based on the number of kilograms of fruit picked (piece rate), while tasks like planting and packing are paid by the hour. We follow all the rules and regulations of the agricultural industry collective agreement in the UK.

For our hardworking employees, we offer development and advancement opportunities throughout the school year.

If you are interested in joining our seasonal team, please do not hesitate to apply for this opportunity. We look forward to receiving your application soon.”